Part 1: Worksite.
I am on a search committee for a new
tenure track position. This is the first time I have served on such a
committee. Last week, we met to try to review 71 applicants. We were not
successful in deciding who would progress onto telephone interviews. We were
caught up by how to interpret each requirement and desired qualification. For
example, a doctorate in public health or related field meant many different
things to each of us. Public health is one of those fields that encompasses a
myriad of areas. It was quite frustrating since I received an email this
morning about a new evaluation method on the same 71 candidates. In other
words, no progress was made based on our observations last week. It felt like
wasted time. This had me thinking about my problem of practice. There are many
aspects that could be examined and need to be defined in order to move forward
with my project. I am asking myself how I can refine and clarify my research
questions to make the most sense.
Part 2: Observation.
On April 12, 2016, I observed a
basketball practice for third to sixth graders at Haley Elementary School. One
coach supervised seven young boys. The practice was held outside, leaving the
coach to enforce water breaks about every ten minutes. The boys started practice right after the
conclusion of the school day. While waiting for all the boys to arrive, they
practiced taking shots at the basket in a somewhat coordinated chaos. Once
everyone was in attendance, the coach had the boys run different drills,
including dribbling, taking shots at the three point line, and footwork skills.
He kept the practice moving by changing the activities about every five
minutes. Occasionally, a boy would ask to sit down because he was too
overheated or tired. The coached allowed this each time. For the drill where
they practiced slides, the coach waited until after the drill to explain the
reasoning behind it, which was learning how to block. Towards the end of the
practice, the coach had the boys line up. He demonstrated how to go one-on-one
with a peer, with the goal to block, while the other boy was trying to score.
Each boy rotated in and were able to be both the blocker and shooter.
Part 3: Readings.
“lessons”?. Peabody Journal of Education, 65(2), 143-157.
Questions about whether innovated
practices in schools can be implemented and sustained, why there are negative
views about educational reform, what can be learned from previous efforts.
Reforms may be consistent with social and political forces, such as regulations, certifications, etc. May shift due to assumptions about what education is about.
Dewey argues that reforms fail because of conflict between purposes and standards that are inherent to the reform and external conditions. External conditions include specific school structures, classrooms.
Order versus teaching and the relationship between the two. Change threatens the loss of order, requires teachers to be risk takers.
Pendulum Swing Phenomenon - failures occur in reoccurring cycles, but in different settings, so difficult to trend and learn from them.
Those carrying out reforms are treated like consumers of the initiatives rather than partners, collaborators.
Part 4: Integrations.
H. M. (1988). Success and failure in educational reform: Are there historical
“lessons”?. Peabody Journal
of Education, 65(2), 143-157.
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